
本科生教育 研究生教育 学术讲座 研究生招生


编辑:李恭新    时间:2022-06-08    点击数:    来源:    文、图:倪雨青

报告人 讲座题目

报告题目一Joint Power Allocation for Remote State Estimation With SWIPT

报告人Ling Shi

报告时间2022617日星期五 15:00-16:00

直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议 254-598-022

报告简介We consider remote state estimation with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT). A remote estimator receives the state estimate transmitted by a sensor and sends an acknowledgment (ACK) signal to the sensor via a feedback wireless channel. The sensor has no other energy supply except that it can harvest wireless energy from the received ACK signal, which carries information and energy simultaneously. Since the symbol error rate of the state estimate transmitted by the sensor depends on the sensor’s transmission power allocation, there exists a tradeoff between the accuracy of the state estimate received by the remote estimator and the transmission power consumption of the sensor. Moreover, the sensor’s transmission power is restricted by the remaining energy level in its battery, which is decided by the amount of the harvested wireless energy. Therefore, we jointly optimize the transmission power allocation of the remote estimator and the sensor and formulate the optimization problem into an infinite time-horizon average cost Markov decision process (MDP). We first prove the existence of the optimal stationary power allocation policy, and then present the monotonic structures of the optimal policy. Simulation results are provided to verify and illustrate the main results.

报告题目二My Personal Opinions on What's Important for a Postgraduate Student

报告人Ling Shi

报告时间2022617日星期五 16:00-17:00

直播平台及会议ID:腾讯会议 254-598-022

报告简介In this talk, I'll share my past experience, both as a student and as a faculty, on what's important for a PG student. I'll touch briefly on general research methodologies, time management, planning, team work, written skills, oral presentations, etc.


施凌博士,2008年获美国加州理工学院控制与动力系统博士学位。现为香港科技大学电子及计算机工程系教授,机器人研究所副所长。施凌博士的研究方向包括信息物理系统安全、网络化控制系统、传感器调度、基于事件触发的状态估计、外骨骼机器人等。获世界经济论坛2020年青年科学家,曾任欧洲控制会议编委会委员、International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control学科编辑、IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems副主编、IEEE Control Systems Letters副主编等,曾任第23International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems大会主席。

报告人英文简介Ling Shi received the B.E. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong, in 2002 and the Ph.D. degree in Control and Dynamical Systems from California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, in 2008. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, and the associate director of the Robotics Institute, both at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include cyber-physical systems security, networked control systems, sensor scheduling, event-based state estimation, and exoskeleton robots. He is a senior member of IEEE. He served as an editorial board member for the European Control Conference 2013-2016. He was a subject editor for International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (2015-2017), an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2016-2020), an associate editor for IEEE Control Systems Letters (2017-2020), and an associate editor for a special issue on Secure Control of Cyber Physical Systems in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2015-2017). He also served as the General Chair of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2018). He is a member of the Young Scientists Class 2020 of the World Economic Forum (WEF)






