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编辑:李恭新    时间:2023-07-26    点击数:    来源:    文、图:丁锋

报告人 Quanmin Zhu 讲座题目 Data driven modelling and control of complex systems--from research methodology to research outcome

Title (题目): (1) Data driven modelling and control of complex systems--from research methodology to research outcome

  (2) Universal(U)-control systems – a platform from model-based to model-free

Speaker (报告人): Quanmin Zhu, Professor, University of the West of England

报告时间: 202381日周二下午14:30

报告地点: 伟德bv国际体育C317

邀请人: 丁锋、刘艳君、张霄

Abstract (报告简介): (1) It is split into two parts. The first part explains personal understanding in research methodology, including the qualification of researcher, research process, and research output. The second part explains the speaker’s research experience/outcome in his own domain, complex system modelling and control. Accordingly, the aim of the talk is to show off the researcher’s vision and position to promote mutual understanding and collaboration potential with colleagues.

(2) Dynamic inversion is the nature in engineering (man-made) systems and our daily life. Blue sky academic research in methodologies, structure, and algorithms. With U-control, linear approaches can be directly applied to significantly reduce nonlinear control system design procedure. Even for linear control system design, U-control provides new insight and concise formulation. Potential applications for wide range of control of motion and process industries, and the other man-made systems. U-control – Universal Control covering the whole spectrum from model-base to model-free, and complement to many conventional approaches. Intuitively rooted in bionic? - control systems are characterised to mimic human/animal activity or movement.

Biography (报告人简介): Quanmin Zhu (朱全民),现为英国西英格兰大学工程,设计与数学系教授。他于19899月在英国University of Warwick大学(华威大学)获得博士学位,19899月至199411月在英国University of Sheffield(谢菲尔德大学)大学自动控制和系统工程系从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为非线性系统的分析和辨识。与S. A. Billings教授合作,针对非线性有理系统提出了一套全非线性模型(有理模型)辨识与检验的理念,该理论体系被视为开创性的工作。与 K. Warwick教授,马孜教授和L.Z Guo博士合作提出基于神经元网络的点逼近(pointwise approximation)方法, 为有效地简化非线性控制系统设计开辟了一个新的途径。近年来又开创性地提出基于U模型的模型独立控制系统设计方法,使多种成熟有效的线性控制系统设计方法可直接用于广泛一类平滑非线性控制系统设计,该方法被视为突破性工作。其发表论文被广泛引用。参与编写专著10本,发表学术论文300余篇。以主持人身份完成包括英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC), 中国自然科学基金会, 各类基金或企业项目15余项。






