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编辑:赵顺毅    时间:2023-11-09    点击数:    来源:梁海莲、刘俊良    文、图:梁海莲、刘俊良

报告人 Juin J. Liou 讲座题目 Essence of Robust Electrostatic Discharge Protection Solutions for Consumer Electronics

题目:Essence of Robust Electrostatic Discharge Protection Solutions for Consumer Electronics (面向消费电子产品的强静电放电保护解决方案的本质)

报告人:Juin J. Liou (刘俊杰)教授

报告时间:20231114 周二 1530



Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is one of the most prevalent threats to the reliability of electronic components, circuits, and systems. It is an event in which a finite amount of charge is transferred from one object (i.e., human body) to the other (i.e., microchip). This process can result in a very high current passing through the microchip within a very short period of time, and more than 35% of single-event catastrophic damages can be attributed to such an event. This is a problem with increasing significance in modern and future nanoscale technologies in the context of diminishing device dimensions.

As such, designing robust on-chip ESD structures to protect microchips against ESD stress has been a top priority in the semiconductor industry. The continuing down-sizing of modern CMOS and compound processes makes the ESD-related issues even more prominent, and one can predict with certainty that the availability of effective and robust ESD protection solutions will be a critical factor to the success of the advancement of nano-scale technology. In fact, many semiconductor companies worldwide are having difficulties in meeting the increasingly stringent ESD protection requirements for various electronics applications.

There has been a wide spread use of integrated circuits in consumer applications. An example is the automotive electronics which are typically operated in a voltage range of 40-60 V. This relatively high-voltage operation imposes certain challenges to the design of ESD protection solutions embedded in the modern vehicles. On the other hand, due to the huge market of civil wireless communications, low-voltage integrated circuits are also in high demands. Effective ESD protection solutions for these high-speed circuits are typically required to operate within a very narrow ESD design window and with a minimal loading effect (i.e., high transparency), hence introducing a different set of challenges. Moreover, the continuing scaling of CMOS process toward the 5-nm node makes the design and realization of advanced ESD protection solutions even more demanding and difficult in the coming years.

Meanwhile, the surge protection is also important for the advanced electronic system. various specifications such as the HBM, contact discharge and air discharge related with ESD phenomenon, as well as the clamping voltage and the peak current related with surge phenomenon are required in kinds of chips and electronic system. Robust ESD and surge protection are indispensable for improving the reliability of electronic system.

This seminar will cover the ESD and surge protection fundamentals and concepts, ESD and surge testing and characterizations, and ESD and surge protection designs and optimizations. Various effective ESD protection solutions for low- and high-voltage integrated circuits developed in modern and advanced CMOS and compound technologies, and surge protection solutions for advanced electronic system will be presented and discussed. Moreover, the complete tests of wafer-level, system-level ESD and surge protection will be also introduced. A Q&A session will also be held at the end of the seminar.  


刘俊杰(英文:Juin Jei Liou)获得美国佛罗里达大学电子学科学士/硕士/博士、国家特聘专家(电子科大)、教育部海外名师(北京交通大学)、教育部春辉学者(北京大学)。原美国中佛罗里达大学工学院终身教授/副院长,现任北方民族大学特聘教授。

刘俊杰教授是IEEE FellowIET Fellow,新加坡制造技术研究院院士,美国国家创新学院院士。曾经担任IEEE电子器件学会副主席、EDSSCIPFAISNEIEEE官方国际会议的荣誉大会主席、数个SCI期刊的客座主编。曾获得IEEE杰出成就奖、IEEE杰出教育奖、IEEE杰出讲座奖、美国政府杰出青年科学家奖,同时在国内外多所大学兼任讲座教授、荣誉教授包括:浙江大学,电子科技大学,郑州大学,西安理工大学,北方民族大学,桂林理工大学,台湾科技大学,台北科技大学,台湾逢甲大学,台湾长庚大学等。

刘俊杰教授毕身致力于集成电路与半导体技术,是集成电路静电防护与可靠性方面的国际权威,累计发表期刊论文超过360篇、会议论文超过260 (包括120篇主题/邀请报告)SCI他引超过7600次、h-index: 39;并且拥有13项美国发明专利和10项中国发明专利,发表著作13部,其中独立作者3部。作为国内集成电路可靠性和静电防护技术领域的拓荒者,刘俊杰教授先后在中国三所一流大学开创了集成电路静电防护学科和静电防护(ESD)实验室,担任多个重大科技项目的负责人,为中国在ESD领域的学科教育,科研成果,技术开发,与产学合作做出重大和突破性的贡献,也取得了许多标志性成果。






