报告1: Dual Control for High Levels of Automation in Uncertain Environment
报告 2: Discussions on Academic Paper Writing with Students
报告人: Prof Wen-Hua Chen, FIEEE CEng FIMechE FIET,EPSRC Established Career Fellow. Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Loughborough University Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK.
报告时间:2024年9月5日 (周四),下午15:00-17:00
报告摘要 1:For a system operating in an unknown or changing environment, it is desirable to design a control system to keep it always operating at its best possible performance (i. e. in terms of productivity or efficiency). This talk introduces a new approach, namely dual control for exploitation and exploration (DCEE), to this type of self-optimisation control problems. In this framework, the control action not only drives a system moving towards a believed optimal operational condition, but also aims to reduce the uncertainty of this belief by actively exploring and learning the unknown environment. Autonomous search of the source of airborne dispersion using a robot and maximum power point tracking in solar farming are used as case studies to illustrate the proposed DCEE approach. Its link with reinforcement learning and active inference in neuroscience is also discussed.
报告摘要 2:Introduce academic paper writing skills and make discussions with Master and Ph. D students and young teachers about how to revise paper according to the review reports, etc.
个人简介:Dr Wen-Hua Chen holds Professor in Autonomous Vehicles in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University, UK. Prof. Chen has a considerable experience in control, signal processing and artificial intelligence and their applications in aerospace, automotive and agriculture systems. In the last 20 years, he has been working on the development and application of unmanned aircraft and intelligent vehicle technologies, spanning autopilots, situational awareness, decision making, verification, remote sensing for precision agriculture and environment monitoring. He is a Chartered Engineer, and a Fellow of IEEE, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK. Prof Chen currently holds a 5-years UK EPSRC (the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) Established Career Fellowship award in developing control theory for robotics and autonomous systems.